We are pumped to announce that we are participating in Hacktoberfest 2020 for our two open-source projects. We, at InfraCloud, believe that open source enables anyone to create the technologies for a better tomorrow.
What is Hacktoberfest?
You may not need an introduction, but just in case you were under the rocks, Hacktoberfest is DigitalOcean’s month-long event where developers across the world contribute to their favorite open source projects. It is the seventh edition after its inception in 2014.
Last year, more than 100K developers contributed to 150K+ repositories. It is much more than a fest, it is a celebration of open source!
A massive shoutout to Digitalocean, Intel, and Dev.to for organizing such a fantastic event.
Source: https://www.giphy.com
InfraCloud is participating in Hacktoberfest with two of its open-source projects – Fission and BotKube.
Fission is a fast serverless framework for Kubernetes with a focus on developer productivity and high performance. You can find more information about Fission here and Keda connectors here.
BotKube helps with monitoring and debugging Kubernetes clusters straight from any messaging platform. You can find more information about BotKube here.
This is the first time we are participating in Hacktoberfest and looking forward to this.
Interested in contributing to our open source projects?
Here’s how you can contribute:
1. Register – Make sure you register as a contributor on Hacktoberfest’s official website. Registration links will open on the 1st of Oct.
2. Contributing.md – Make sure you read the contribution guide for both projects before raising a PR. The guide has every information you might need while contributing.
3. Issues – It could be overwhelming for you if you are a new contributor or first time participating in a challenge. Make sure you check issues with a tag ‘good first issue’.
If you any queries around issues, feel free to add comments, we will try to resolve as soon as we can.
You could find some of the issues with a tag ‘documentation’. We are considering documentation related pull requests as contributions.
4. PR Template – It will help you to know what information you have to share with your pull request. You can find a PR template for BotKube here.
5. Get a swag – As per Hacktoberfest’s challenge, if you can get 4 PRs merged for Hacktoberfest tagged issues, you are eligible for a limited-edition T-shirt. We are also running a challenge, something similar to Hacktoberfest, but with more swags. 😀
Source: https://www.giphy.com
As a token of appreciation, we have decided to give swags to contributors. Here are the details on how to get them.
1 Merged PRs – If you can get one PR merged, you will get a cool t-shirt along with some amazing stickers. Only the first 50 people will receive the swags.
Jumbo Prize – A person with maximum merged PRs will also get a Kindle from our side.
To deliver the swags, we will reach out to you once PR gets merged.
We are going to add issues sequentially along with the current ones once the fest starts. Do check us on our social channels to get notified.
If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to reach out to us on Twitter or our Slack communities. If you are not part of our communities,
Join Fission’s Slack Channel.
Join BotKube’s Slack Channel.
Source: https://www.giphy.com
Let the game begin!
Get your hands on one of these limited-edition stickers by contributing to our projects. Let’s get hacking!
(BotKube and Fission stickers)