One of the key announcements at Dockercon 2017 was the launch of multi-stage builds. It is available in Docker version 17.05 onwards and is one of most exciting features. In this post, we will do a quick demo of the feature and then discuss the details.
One of the quickest way to get our hands dirty with this feature is to sign up for docker lab at and add a new instance. This will spin up a new docker-in-docker container which can be used for our experimentation. Before going ahead lets ensure docker version is correct by running command βdocker versionβ .
If the version of docker server is less than 17.05, perform following steps:
curl -L -o dockerd
mv ./dockerd /usr/local/bin/dockerd && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dockerd
nohup /usr/local/bin/dockerd &
Clone git repo of sample go-lang application and cd to the code directory. We will now build an image of the demo app via the default go-lang parent as a base image using the command βdocker build -t demo-go-app:1.0 .β One of the key things to notice here is the content of Dockerfile, which is simple golang imageβs on-build tag:
FROM golang:1.6.3-onbuild
Once the image is built, verify the image size using command βdocker imagesβ and image is about 756MB
Now check out the multi-stage branch of the same repo. One of the first things you will notice is starkly different Dockerfile:
FROM golang:1.6.3-alpine
RUN mkdir /app
ADD . /app/
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o main .
FROM alpine:latest
WORKDIR /root/
COPY --from=0 /app/main .
CMD ["/root/main"]
There are two FROM directives in this file which was not allowed before. With multi-stage builds, a Dockerfile allows multiple FROM directives and the image is created via the last FROM directive of the Dockerfile
Next interesting statement is the βCOPY βfrom=0 /app/main .β This takes the file /app/main from the previous stage and copies it to the WORKDIR. This basically copies the compiled go binary created from the previous stage
Now lets run the following docker build command βdocker build -t demo-go-app:2.0 .β and verify the size by running βdocker imagesβ again
The image size is around 13.1 MB which is a fraction of the older size 756MB
If the build product is a compiled binary, a consistent platform has to be maintained. A binary compiled for linux will not work on alpine. For example, below are the file attributes of above application when it is built via golang:1.6.3-onbuild
root@44fee7671056:/go/src/app# file /go/bin/app
/go/bin/app: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, not stripped
Looking at the same application when compiled via golang:1.6.3-alpine
$ docker exec -it c7a6afccf5509c2032444f14906cf17267994a3191e5d368fad9cff679797377 file /root/main
/root/main: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, not stripped
If the application compiled via golang:1.6.3-onubild gets copied to alpine container, the application wont execute and will give an error as below:
$ ./app
bash: ./app: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
This is why the Dockerfile used in multi-stage build of the demo application is using golang:1.6.3-alpine as its base image instead of golang:1.6.3-on-build.
Main reason for the image being so small, is that its parent image itself is very small. While the golang:1.6.3 image was 747MB, the alpine image was a mere 3.99 MB. Why are alpine images so small and their advantages are explained in detail here. The golang base image contains golang installation + python installation and many supporting modules, which are not really needed once the compiled application is ready.
Consider another approach where you would use alpine as a base image and create an application over it, this would mean adding every little dependency by hand to your Dockerfile and adding more steps to image creation which is certainly not desirable.
A third option is to use the alpine distribution of golang such as golang:1.6.3-alpine. This also creates an image of around 300 MB since the OS is barebones but all golang dependencies and support modules are present.
Multi-stage builds solve above problems by giving the developer the flexibility to use bloated base images to create his executable/jar file. Once the application is compiled, remaining bloatware is not needed and the application itself can be easily injected into a minimal image giving all advantages of small image size.
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