Weβve all heard the phrase - Change is the only constant. That holds true for everything around us. Traditionally applications were released in a waterfall-based model where the changes were shipped at once to the entire user base. This usually meant that if anything went wrong with that particular release, the entire user base would be affected. That often resulted in unhappy customers.
Thankfully, that process has evolved into progressive delivery. Progressive delivery allows for finer control over the way applications and their features are shipped to the users. A manager would first ship a feature to their internal teams before sharing it with a section of the user base. They then study the feedback received and accordingly decided whether to progress that release to the complete user base or not.
Most organizations have adopted progressive delivery and have implemented tools that help them do that. These tools include version control systems, CI & CD tools along with observability and monitoring tools.
However, one of the critical aspects of any progressive delivery is traffic management. Since a feature (or application) is required to be shipped only to a subset of users, thereβs a need for tools that allow the traffic to be routed accordingly.
This can be achieved in multiple ways, there are load balancers that allow you to route traffic based on DNS, hosts, headers, etc. There are also service meshes with traffic routing and management capabilities. In this blog post, weβll talk about progressive delivery using service mesh.
Containerized applications deployed to Kubernetes consist of multiple microservices. Each of these services communicates with each other. Service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure that allows these microservice to communicate effectively and efficiently with each other.
Rather than being a mesh of services, a service mesh is a mesh of proxies into which microservices plug into. This allows them to abstract the network away completely. Apart from just communication, service meshes also help with monitoring, securing them & also enabling end-to-end communication between services in the Kubernetes cluster.
There are many service meshes out there, and some of the common ones are:
Depending on your infrastructure and the products you use, you can pick a service mesh. However, amongst the three, Istio is the most popular service mesh that is used by some of the biggest names in the industry.
In this blog post, weβll look into how progressive delivery can be implemented using Istio.
Applications today are no more cloud-ready, instead they are cloud native - made for the cloud. One of the vital components of cloud native applications is a microservice. A group of loosely coupled microservices builds up a cloud native application.
Microservices bring in a host of benefits like increased scalability, flexibility and fault tolerance to name a few. However, one of the challenges faced is upgrading and maintaining them from time to time. Upgrading a single microservice is as easy as the kubectl apply -f
command, but when you have multiple microservices, you need a tool that can help you manage their lifecycle.
One such tool is Argo Rollouts. Itβs a Kubernetes controller with a set of CRDs that provide advanced deployment capabilities along with progressive delivery features. It integrates with ingress controllers and service meshes by leveraging their traffic routing capabilities and using that to route traffic to different versions of the application. You can read more about Argo Rollouts here.
One of the major advantages of progressive delivery is that it provides you with fine grained control over how the app updates and features are released to the users. There are multiple types of deployment strategies that you can choose from while using Argo Rollouts:
Blue Green - strategy wherein you create two identical environments - blue & green. Blue has the current version of the application running, while green has the newer version running. You test the green environment and slowly shift traffic to this version and deprecate the blue environment. Read our earlier blog post on Blue Green deployment to know more.
Canary - In this strategy, you make staged releases. You make newer versions of your application available only to a subset of users. Based on the feedback, you gradually shift the users to the newer version. To know more about canary deployment, read our blog post on Canary deployment with Argo Rollouts.
Having understood application deployment and upgrades in Kubernetes using Argo Rollouts and traffic routing using Istio, let us apply our learnings with the help of an example.
In this example, we have a simple weather application that displays the weather forecast of a city. There are two versions of this application, one shows weather for Hyderabad and the other for New York.
The initial deployment will show Hyderabadβs weather while the newer version will show the forecast for New York. Weβll set up a canary deployment using Argo Rollouts and deploy both the versions.
Using Istio, weβll shift the traffic to the newer version by 50%. So every time a user visits the application, theyβll either see Hyderabad or New York.
To begin with you need a Kubernetes cluster configured, weβre using Minikube in this case. You can make use of any other Kubernetes cluster as the steps would remain the same.
The next step is to clone the repository that has this example.
git clone https://github.com/infracloudio/ArgoRollout-WeatherExample-Istio.git
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In this case we are using Minikube, hence we need to configure it with the required CPU and RAM:
minikube start --cpus=4 --memory=8g
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Istio can be installed using Helm, istoctl or an external control plane. In the blog post, we are using istioctl. You can follow the steps mentioned to install Istio using isoctl.
$ istioctl install
This will install the Istio 1.14.3 default profile with ["Istio core" "Istiod" "Ingress gateways"] components into the cluster. Proceed? (y/N) y
β Istio core installed
β Istiod installed
β Ingress gateways installed
β Installation complete
Making this installation the default for injection and validation.
Thank you for installing Istio 1.14. Please take a few minutes to tell us about your install/upgrade experience! https://forms.gle/yEtCbt45FZ3VoDT5A
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Once Istio is installed, check the status of Istio Gateway:
$ kubectl get services -n istio-system
istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer <pending> 15021:32453/TCP,80:30406/TCP,443:30539/TCP 6m53s
istiod ClusterIP <none> 15010/TCP,15012/TCP,443/TCP,15014/TCP 7m10s
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Create a namespace and install the Argo Rollouts controller into it.
kubectl create namespace argo-rollouts
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Install the latest version of Argo Rollouts controller:
kubectl apply -n argo-rollouts -f https://github.com/argoproj/argo-rollouts/releases/latest/download/install.yaml
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Ensure that all the components and pods for Argo Rollouts are in the running state. You can check it by running the following command:
kubectl get all -n argo-rollouts
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One of the easiest and recommended ways to interact with Argo Rollouts controller is using the kubectl plugin. You can install it by executing the following commands:
curl -LO https://github.com/argoproj/argo-rollouts/releases/latest/download/kubectl-argo-rollouts-linux-amd64
chmod +x ./kubectl-argo-rollouts-linux-amd64
sudo mv ./kubectl-argo-rollouts-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kubectl-argo-rollouts
kubectl argo rollouts version
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At this point we have successfully configured the Argo Rollouts controller on our Kubernetes cluster. You can use the following command to verify the installation:
$ kubectl get all -n argo-rollouts
pod/argo-rollouts-845b79ff9-fq922 1/1 Running 0 75s
service/argo-rollouts-metrics ClusterIP <none> 8090/TCP 75s
deployment.apps/argo-rollouts 1/1 1 1 75s
replicaset.apps/argo-rollouts-845b79ff9 1 1 1 75s
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We have successfully deployed Istio and Argo Rollouts controllers. The next step is to deploy a VirtualService, Gateway, and the Rollout. VirtualService and Gateway are components of Istio.
A VirtualService is a set of rules that define routing. Gateway on the other hand is a load balancer that is responsible for incoming and outgoing connections.
Let us look into each of these.
VirtualService: istio-vsvc.yaml
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: VirtualService
name: rollout-vsvc
- argo-gateway
- "*"
- name: primary # referenced in canary.trafficRouting.istio.virtualService.routes
- destination:
host: weather-test-app-hyd # referenced in canary.stableService
weight: 10
- destination:
host: weather-test-app-ny # referenced in canary.canaryService
weight: 90
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The VirtualService references the Gateway and has two rules. Both rules point to different services along with the weight mentioned. Please note that this weight will be overridden by our rollout.yaml.
Gateway: istio-gateway.yaml
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: Gateway
name: argo-gateway
istio: ingressgateway # use the default IngressGateway
- port:
number: 80
name: http
protocol: HTTP
- "*"
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The Gateway consists of the server details like name, port number, and protocol along with the type of selector, ingressgateway
in this case.
Rollout: rollout.yaml
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Rollout
name: rollout-istio
replicas: 2
revisionHistoryLimit: 2
app: rollout-istio
app: rollout-istio
- name: weather-app
image: docker.io/atulinfracloud/weathersample:v1
imagePullPolicy: Always
- containerPort: 5000
canaryService: weather-test-app-ny # required
stableService: weather-test-app-hyd # required
name: rollout-vsvc # required
- primary # optional if there is a single route in VirtualService, required otherwise
- setWeight: 50 # overrides the weight provided in virtualservice
- pause:
duration: 10m
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: weather-test-app-hyd
app: rollout-istio
- protocol: "TCP"
port: 80
targetPort: 5000
type: ClusterIP
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: weather-test-app-ny
app: rollout-istio
- protocol: "TCP"
port: 80
targetPort: 5000
type: ClusterIP
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The rollout.yaml
specifies the deployment strategy along with the services. It also mentions the traffic routing strategy to be used along with the Gateway and VirtualService details. The setWeight
value here overrides the value in the VirtualService & decides the amount of traffic that is sent to the canary. duration
under pause
defines the duration for which the deployment will pause for 10 min and then it will rollout on v2 with 100% Weight.
Having understood the contents of each file, let us deploy each of these files one by one. Please note that the order of deployment is important.
kubectl apply -f istio-vsvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f istio-gateway.yaml
kubectl apply -f rollout.yaml
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Use the following command to check the status of the rollout:
$ kubectl argo rollouts get rollout rollout-istio
Name: rollout-istio
Namespace: default
Status: β Healthy
Strategy: Canary
Step: 2/2
SetWeight: 100
ActualWeight: 100
Images: docker.io/atulinfracloud/weathersample:v1 (stable)
Desired: 2
Current: 2
Updated: 2
Ready: 2
Available: 2
β³ rollout-istio Rollout β Healthy 2m26s
βββ# revision:1
ββββ§ rollout-istio-65d9c6947f ReplicaSet β Healthy 91s stable
ββββ‘ rollout-istio-65d9c6947f-2xbzn Pod β Running 91s ready:1/1
ββββ‘ rollout-istio-65d9c6947f-ws8vb Pod β Running 91s ready:1/1
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To allow the Istio Gateway and your application to be accessed from outside of the cluster, you need to start the minikube tunnel in a separate window.
minikube tunnel
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To get the IP address of the Istio-ingressgateway that will be used to access the application, use the following command:
$ minikube service istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system
| istio-system | istio-ingressgateway | status-port/15021 | |
| | | http2/80 | |
| | | https/443 | |
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Access the istio-ingressgateway IP address and youβll be able to see the stable version of the application running i.e.: it will show Hyderabadβs weather.
The next step is to promote a canary version of the app using the following command:
kubectl argo rollouts set image rollout-istio weather-app=docker.io/atulinfracloud/weathersample:v2
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$ kubectl argo rollouts get rollout rollout-istio
Name: rollout-istio
Namespace: default
Status: ΰ₯₯ Paused
Message: CanaryPauseStep
Strategy: Canary
Step: 1/2
SetWeight: 50
ActualWeight: 50
Images: docker.io/atulinfracloud/weathersample:v1 (stable)
docker.io/atulinfracloud/weathersample:v2 (canary)
Desired: 2
Current: 3
Updated: 1
Ready: 3
Available: 3
β³ rollout-istio Rollout ΰ₯₯ Paused 27m
βββ# revision:2
β ββββ§ rollout-istio-84bf58cd44 ReplicaSet β Healthy 34s canary
β ββββ‘ rollout-istio-84bf58cd44-bp5lv Pod β Running 34s ready:1/1
βββ# revision:1
ββββ§ rollout-istio-65d9c6947f ReplicaSet β Healthy 26m stable
ββββ‘ rollout-istio-65d9c6947f-2xbzn Pod β Running 26m ready:1/1
ββββ‘ rollout-istio-65d9c6947f-ws8vb Pod β Running 26m ready:1/1
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We now have v2 deployed in canary while v1 in stable. Visit the service at the http://<ip address>
and refresh the page. Youβll see stable (Hyderabad) and canary (New York) versions of the apps displayed randomly based on the weights provided.
Thatβs how you can use Argo Rollouts with Istio service mesh to perform canary deployments. You can tweak the weights, and services to suit your needs, but this is only how a basic implementation would look like.
In this blog post, we learned about progressive delivery and how organizations are deploying tools and techniques to ship products faster. We saw how to implement canary deployment using Argo Rollouts and Istio.
Using a service mesh for application deployment has its own benefits including traffic management, observability, and automation. This coupled with a tool like Argo Rollouts, you can manage your deployments easily with faster rollbacks in case of failures.
Feel free to reach out to Atul for any thoughts or feedback on this post. If you donβt yet have a robust software delivery pipeline in place, you can reach out to our CI/CD experts who can help you to design and implement such strategies to improve your software delivery processes.
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